What’s in the box?
Speech is the key to unlock everything that’s inside our wonderful students so we work hard on our individual and group goals to improve speech and language skills 😁
Today in Group session we practiced our language skills by describing what we feel without seeing it.
By Speech Therapist, Nolene
Interesting facts:
Group speech therapy is a functional way of helping your child learn new things and practice their goals in a realistic setting.
It offers:
- Support from peers and building of confidence through newfound friendships
- Peer communication within a realistic social settings
- Practice in a setting that mimics a real world environment (a classroom, play date with friends)
- Group sessions provides the ability for your child to teach and learn from others
- Cost efficiency (Group speech sessions are included in the school fees you pay at Unity College)
Whether speech group therapy is targeting social communication (turn taking, staying on topic, initiating conversations) or building language skills, it is an exciting way to help children reach their full potential. Group therapy offers a supportive network and trusting environment where children can grow with and from each other.
More interesting Speech facts here