
The Independent Schools Association South Africa (ISASA) have completed a document on the POPI Act (further down) and have also created a useful infographic to understand POPI better.

The Protection of Personal Information (POPI) Act 4 of 2013 has been signed into law, but has not yet come fully into effect.

It protects our right to privacy by setting conditions and requirements for the processing of personal information.

This can be identified as any information relating to a living natural person or an identifiable legal entity and includes, amongst others, information such as names, birth dates, identity or registration numbers, passport numbers, demographic information, occupational information, health information and contact information.

POPI also relates to the processing of such information, which includes, amongst others, the collection, use, storage, deletion or destruction of personal information.

POPI establishes a number of role players with specific rights and responsibilities.

Know the details contained in this Memorandum; the latest from ISASA. We will update you as we get more information.





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