Work experience at Logwood
For their work experience at Logwood on Tuesday, 16 July, Senior phase learners recycled plastic to make recreational benches and chairs.
Collection point for tags & tops
In a joint project with the Sandton Ladies Circle, Unity College will act as a collection point for plastic bread tags and bottle tops to support the Sweetheart Foundation. They use the funds generated from these donations to sponsor wheelchairs to disabled people. This is an on-going project so please continue to send your tops and tags to school.
Senior L/O learning life skills
The Senior phase Life Orientation class are getting to know the staff. The spent time with Naume and Gertrude to learn more about their function at the school and what to use when cleaning. Not only is cleaning a life skill, but it can be fun too! They also spent time with Mr Visser and Teacher Vanessa, to get to know them a bit better.