Care Bear project
The Care Bear project was introduced as a Senior phase initiative to reward caring and kindness under Senior learners for all other learners, as part of their social responsibility and leadership. The learner receives the Care Bear during assembly and s/he cares for it for a week. Thereafter they receive a Care Bear badge that they can wear on their uniform.
Our first Care Bear was Kutloano, the second was William, and this past week it was Carsen.
Well done to all our caring individuals! Watch as we Carefully choose our next special person.
By Johann du Preez-Ackerman
Watch them grow…
As part of life skills in the Junior phase and done in time for Spring, Teacher Sandra’s class started to grow veggies.
“We measured the water and prepared the soil, and then the children spooned the soil into the little tub themselves and put the seeds in too”
“We will water the plants every day, and watch them grow, and when they’re big enough we will transplant them into bigger pots for the sensory garden. The veggies can then be used for the kitchen and in cookery”.